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Spec & Compare

1 reviews


Store design

Marketing & conversion

Product display

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Product comparison


Spec & Compare is a Shopify app that helps you improve conversion and reduce friction by creating accessible, mobile-friendly specifications and comparison tables for your products. With unlimited attributes, you can easily create detailed tables that allow customers to see the differences between your products and choose the one that fits their needs. The app is fully compatible with the Online Store 2.0 editor and without impacting performance. It can connect with existing metafields or metaobjects, making it easy to add new product attributes or reuse existing data. Customize the appearance of tables to match your brand's design and translate specifications using Shopify's native localization system.

Key Features

  • Create specification and comparison tables with unlimited attributes

  • Add new product attributes or reuse existing data by connecting metafields

  • Dynamically compare products on collection or product pages

  • Customize the appearance of tables to fit your brand's design

  • Translate specifications using Shopify native localization system




Install and access to all features from the Starter plan for free on development stores



Unlimited specification tables, unlimited comparison tables, metafields and metaobjects support, branding customization, multi-language support



Everything from the Starter plan, dynamic comparison from collection pages

Tips and Tricks

  • Use detailed specification and comparison tables to help customers make informed purchasing decisions

  • Customize the appearance of tables to match your brand's design

  • Translate specifications to reach a wider audience

Disclaimer: The information and ideas provided within this app are intended for general informational purposes only. They should not be interpreted as legal, financial, or business advice. We cannot guarantee that these ideas do not infringe upon third-party intellectual property rights. It is advisable to consult with appropriate professionals or seek intellectual property counsel for specific guidance pertaining to your situation. Furthermore, please note that any resources suggested within the app are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice or an endorsement of their suitability for your specific circumstances.

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