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Store design

Store management

Page enhancements

Store data


Metafy is a Shopify app that allows you to extend your store's functionality using Shopify's Metafields. With Metafy, you can create custom fields without any development cost. You can add metafields to various elements in your store, including products, articles, blogs, collections, pages, and even globally across your entire shop. Metafy relies on Shopify's infrastructure, ensuring scalability and eliminating hosting costs. Get started with Metafy today and unlock the power of custom fields for your Shopify store!

Key Features

  • Extend your Shopify store using Shopify's Metafields

  • Create custom fields at no development cost

  • Add metafields to Products, Articles, Blogs, Collections, Pages, and Globally

  • No payment information required to get started




Access to all Metafy features at no cost

Tips and Tricks

  • Use Metafy to add custom fields to your products, articles, blogs, collections, pages, and entire shop

  • Take advantage of Metafy's no development cost to create valuable functionality for your store

  • Explore the power of metafields and how they can enhance your Shopify store

Disclaimer: The information and ideas provided within this app are intended for general informational purposes only. They should not be interpreted as legal, financial, or business advice. We cannot guarantee that these ideas do not infringe upon third-party intellectual property rights. It is advisable to consult with appropriate professionals or seek intellectual property counsel for specific guidance pertaining to your situation. Furthermore, please note that any resources suggested within the app are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice or an endorsement of their suitability for your specific circumstances.

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