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OpenStore Acquires Supplement Company Regen Health

Tyler Pittman, Business Development profile picture

Tyler Pittman, Business Development

Apr 18, 2024

RGN announcement

We're welcoming Regen Health to the OpenStore portfolio. Started by Ian Schecter in 2019, Regen Health has grown into a popular supplement brand helping people regenerate their recovery, sleep, mood, and more. 

Regen Health, which has generated over $1 million in net sales over the last year, was one of the first brands to join OpenStore Drive, an offering under which founders can transfer management of their business to OpenStore for 12 months, while receiving monthly passive income payments. After running Regen Health for 10 months, we extended an offer to Ian to acquire his business and he accepted.

Ian has started and successfully sold three e-commerce businesses, all in the health and beauty space. In 2019, he used the knowledge that he gained from building his first two businesses to create Regen Health.

On why he started Regen Health, Ian says: “I care about what I put in my body and knew I had to start Regen after learning about gaps in the market, and that I could manufacture the products domestically.” 

Ian scaled the brand to $1M in sales just one year after starting out. To continue this growth and take it to the next level, Ian connected with OpenStore to manage marketing and all operations.

Since OpenStore took over management of Regen Health, we’ve generated $300K in contribution profit and increased average order value by 4%. Ian, meanwhile, has spent his time off starting another company and writing his second book.

When new brands join our portfolio, we apply our technology and our experience in marketing, supply chain operations, customer service, and more to grow them. We can also take advantage of economies of scale since we run almost 50 Shopify brands and have built a robust operating platform including 20+ tools, an influencer app called gumdrop, and more. When founders sell their business to us, they know that it will be well taken care of by our team. 

We’re so excited to welcome Regen Health to our portfolio and we can’t wait to continue to grow the brand that Ian built.

Congratulations Ian! The entire OpenStore team is excited to see what you’re working on.

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